The objective of coaching is to support personal or professional development, important decision-making processes, conflict management, interpersonal communication or continuous improvement of habits and routines.

You as a coachee being in a stable and healthy mental state, even if you are under pressure, in a conflict or dilemma situation or a personal crisis, is a key prerequite for embarking on or continuing a coaching process.

You will need psychotherapy if you suffer from a mental or psychological disorder which you want to treat or cure – which could be a depression, an anxiety disorder or the consequences of  a substance-related addiction.

In Germany, these kinds of disorders can only be treated by doctors or psychotherapists with an approbation or specific license.

If you are suffering from a psychological disorder, a coaching can only be applied in addition to the official medical or psychological treatment, and in close cooperation with your practitioner, if specific work-related matters or personal topics are discussed that are not part of the psychotherapy (e.g. a job change, time management, professional communication skills).

I also offer psychotherapy in the context of my approbation training in systemic psychotherapy. Please contact me if you are interested