A coaching process can be divided into at least three different phases: initiation, working phase and conclusion.

  • During the initiation phase, we will agree on the objectives of the coaching process, get to know each other and start to build a trustful relationship.
    • In the first one or two sessions, we will discuss your request in depth and shed light on other relevant aspects and circumstances, and derive your coaching goals.
    • We will get to know each other as individuals and begin to build our working relationship, based on mutual trust and respect. With such a foundation, we will be able to openly address more difficult topics at later stages.
  • During the working phase, we will approach your goals in a step-by-step approach, or modify and enhance them in case any other relevant aspects emerge during our conversations.
    • I will apply various methods. Besides systemic conversation elements, I will introduce some exercises and tools, or propose some creative techniques to you.
    • This phase can be divided in sub-phases in case you have more than one objective or your topic contains multiple dimensions. We will jointly align on the approach and sequence of steps and review them regularly.
  • At the conclusion of the coaching process, we will review your progress and achievements, complete an evaluation under quality assurance perspective and will talk about ways to embed the change in your private or work life in a sustainable way. Learn more