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Informal initital interview, free of charge2023-07-22T19:08:47+02:00

As a first contact before the actual start of a coaching process, we will schedule an informal initial interview which is free of charge for you and will last about 30 minutes.
This “chemistry check” can take place online or in my coaching office in Bonn.

In this first meeting, you will briefly explain the nature and focus of your request. We will discuss which coaching approach will be interesting for you and suitable to solve your matter in reasonable timeframe. We will also align on practical matters like location, preferred time and duration, and I will inform you about the cost per session.

You will receive some first impulses and get a first impression about me as a coach and a person.

After this informal contact, you will take the decision whether to select me as your coach and sparring partner.

Phases of a coaching process2023-07-23T12:39:57+02:00

A coaching process can be divided into at least three different phases: initiation, working phase and conclusion.

  • During the initiation phase, we will agree on the objectives of the coaching process, get to know each other and start to build a trustful relationship.
    • In the first one or two sessions, we will discuss your request in depth and shed light on other relevant aspects and circumstances, and derive your coaching goals.
    • We will get to know each other as individuals and begin to build our working relationship, based on mutual trust and respect. With such a foundation, we will be able to openly address more difficult topics at later stages.
  • During the working phase, we will approach your goals in a step-by-step approach, or modify and enhance them in case any other relevant aspects emerge during our conversations.
    • I will apply various methods. Besides systemic conversation elements, I will introduce some exercises and tools, or propose some creative techniques to you.
    • This phase can be divided in sub-phases in case you have more than one objective or your topic contains multiple dimensions. We will jointly align on the approach and sequence of steps and review them regularly.
  • At the conclusion of the coaching process, we will review your progress and achievements, complete an evaluation under quality assurance perspective and will talk about ways to embed the change in your private or work life in a sustainable way. Learn more
What happens in a regular coaching session?2023-07-23T13:09:36+02:00
  • At the beginning of each coaching session, I will ask you about your key topic or main objective for today.
  • We will prioritize any imminent need, e.g. if you want to prepare for an upcoming meeting, need to take an urgent decision or are in a tense social situation.
  • If there is no urgent topic, we will continue to work towards your overarching objectives.
  • Besides our conversation, I will suggest to use some tools, introduce an exercise or propose some creative techniques – according to the topic and in line with your personal preferences.
  • You set the pace and have the choice whether you want to try a specific method. If you would like to use a different approach, please let me know – we have plenty of different options. There will be something interesting and suitable for you.
  • At the end of each session, we will review the initial objectives of the day and align on potential tasks for the meantime.
Which methods do I apply?2023-07-23T10:49:43+02:00
  • The majority of the sessions will happen as a dialog between you and me.
  • I will support you with targeted questions to view your topic from different angles, expanding your perspectives.
  • I will use metaphors and stories, and make suggestions which you can take up if you want to – but you don’t have to.
  • Your reaction and feedback is important – I need to know what works well with you, in order to steer the process in a suitable direction.
  • Depending on the topic, I will also invite you to use creative techniques or specific exercises. Their nature can also differ between the face-to-face and online settings.
  • You will set the pace and always have the choice whether you would like to engage in a specific exercise, or rather prefer a different approach.
  • I am flexible in my approach, with the key aim to support you in the best possible way. Therefore I will try to learn and understand your preferences from the initial onboarding and to fine-tune it all along the whole coaching journey.

We will agree individually on time, length and location of each session, depending on your preferences and my availability.

On certain dates, I also offer late slots between 18.00 and 20.30 or consultations on Saturdays between 10.00 and 15.00 CET.

Please contact me to schedule an appointment here or via WhatsApp (+49 151 72 11 31 23).

What can you expect as a client?2023-07-23T13:17:50+02:00

First of all: Coaching is not a pill which can be taken.

What do I mean by that? Coaching will not have an effect just by itself. Just attending a session or waiting for the coach to do something will not change much yet.

Coaching will work as soon as you start working with it,
by using the questions, exercises and tools to discover new options and try them out at work or in life.

  • Positive effects can be new facets in your behavior or different reactions to other people.
  • Usually it starts inside yourself:
    • with your views and attitudes,
    • your overarching goals
    • or your daily habits.

If you like the first changes and have the impression this moves into the right direction, then we will continue and fine-tune the approach.

If the outcome is not yet as you expected, this is also an important piece of information. We will try to find out which obstacles we haven’t addressed yet, or which aspects are additionally relevant for you and need to be considered. With that, we will further improve the approach.

How long will the coaching process take?2023-07-23T10:24:36+02:00
  • Focused short-term interventions can be completed in 3 to 5 sessions (e.g. a decision-making process, a specific conflict or a career counseling topic).
  • A “typical” coaching process will last weeks or several months, in order to cover your situation more in depth and detail, and to develop and implement solutions over time.
  • In these cases, a frequency of one or two sessions per months is most suitable, sometimes starting with a weekly rhythm in the first month.
  • Most coaching objectives can be achieved after 10 to 15 sessions.
How will the coaching process come to an end?2023-07-23T10:37:02+02:00

You will always have the opportunity to end the coaching process as soon as you don’t have any further needs to cover. You are not booking packages, but single sessions which you can cancel at 2 days notice in advance.

The natural finish-line of a coaching process has been reached as soon as you have attained your initial objectives, and the desired change has become sustainable.

You will realize that your coaching need will decrease after you experienced positive change, and your situation has reached a new level of balance.

During the last session, we will re-cap the coaching journey and your learnings and developments, document it in a way that you can easily review your progress at a later stage, and include an evaluation of the coaching.

How will you recognize the positive effects of coaching?2023-07-23T09:56:31+02:00

You will leave most of the coaching sessions with a couple of new insights or options. Sometimes you will take away some new thoughts or impressions that need to sink a bit, or you will further process the session for a couple of days.

More important than the immediate effect – you will notice a subtle change which will take place over days, weeks or months. You will recognize that you become more and more conscious about your own patterns, and you will be able to experiment with options and broaden your own range of views, feelings, thoughts and reactions.

With that, you will be able to induce the targeted change yourself, inwardly and in your life, and you will be able to fine-tune your perspectives, attitudes and behaviours more and more precisely towards the desired outcome.

You shouldn’t expect sudden change over night, but you can assume that you will get closer to your goal step by step. You will realize the shift – sometimes fast, sometimes slowly, but steadily.

The speed and degree of transformation will depend on your topic, your situation and your personal room to manoever – which often is much larger than you assume at the beginning.

How can you secure the long-term success?2023-07-23T12:51:26+02:00
  • You will take away valuable insights from the coaching sessions and begin to make changes to your professional approach or your personal life which are meant to be sustainable.
  • Conscious application and regular practice are important to anchor the change in your routines, achieving a permanent effect.
  • It is also important to regularly take some time to step back
    • to review your goals and adjust them where necessary,
    • to perceive your thoughts, feelings and impulsive actions during your everyday activities
    • and now and then to consciously pause and think before your next move – especially when you realize that you are about to slip into former habits.

My offer to you:

  • After completing the coaching process, you can book occasional individual sessions as opportunities for check-in and reflection, or in order to work on some specific quick topics.
  • This will help you to keep re-focusing and to continue steadily on your development journey.
Location – where does the coaching take place?2023-07-22T18:49:38+02:00

It’s your choice. You can

  • always have face-to-face sessions in my office in Bonn,
  • or choose purely online sessions,
  • or mix both formats according to your convenience.
How long is one coaching session?2023-07-22T18:47:17+02:00

I offer regular coaching sessions of 60 and 90 minutes duration, both face-to-face and online.

Scheduled online, occasional 30 minute slots embedded in an ongoing coaching process are possible for urgent topics or quick check-ins.

If you have a special need for a deep-dive, we can plan an intensive half-day session in my coaching office. Besides 3 hours of coaching we will foresee 30 minutes for breaks.

How to schedule an appointment2023-07-23T12:58:41+02:00

Please approach me via the contact form, or via e-mail or WhatsApp (+49 151 72 11 31 23), mentioning

  • your preferred date(s),
  • time slots and
  • length of a session.

I will make you some proposal(s). Please confirm which slot you want to book.

To finalize the appointment, I will send you a confirmation and calendar invitation.

You can cancel or change your appointment until 48 hours prior to the meeting.

How frequently do the sessions take place?2023-07-23T10:29:19+02:00

It depends on your focus areas, your coaching objectives and on the urgency or time criticality of your need.

  • A short-term coaching intervention focused on a clearly described and specific outcome can be conducted with 2 sessions per week over a short period of time.
  • During regular coaching processes we jointly agree on the frequency of the sessions, dependent on your needs and availability.
  • The first sessions usually have a weekly or bi-weekly rhythm, while subsequent sessions can take place every 4 to 8 weeks.
  • If you have an urgent request between 2 scheduled sessions, we will try to fit in an extra slot.
What’s a “systemic” approach?2023-07-22T12:53:29+02:00

The systemic approach fully considers your social and physical environment. It assumes that you are not isolated, but surrounded by significant others and circumstances that matter. They will not only react, but also continuously interact with you by giving impulses or defining frameworks.

Your environment will change simultaneously while you will evolve during the coaching process. We will consider this continuous interaction. We form hypotheses and test them in your reality. Besides this, we also change perspectives and consider the effects of potential change through different lenses of other persons involved.

The systemic psychological approach focuses the present and the future, and assumes you always have a choice, in every single situation, either to act or to change your perspective.

Ho will we consider your biography?2023-07-23T10:38:03+02:00
  • You have turned to be the person you are today by living the life you have lived so far:
    • You became a special personality
    • with individual preferences, needs, desires and aspirations,
    • with values, opinions and emotional reaction patterns,
    • with typical habits and reactions to people and situations.
  • In the course of your life, you have developed some specific strengths and coped with a number of challenges.
  • Your relationships and your work history form part of your biography.
  • You live in a specific country, town and neighborhood, and your social environment is composed of your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors – and more significant others.

You always have the choice to change something in your life, but you will also be sure to make your decisions in a way that they will be a good fit to who you are and can be. Your options are part of your individual reality.

During the coaching journey, we will consider your biography and your individual circumstances in a holistic approach.

What is the difference between coaching and psychotherapy?2023-12-25T17:35:23+01:00

The objective of coaching is to support personal or professional development, important decision-making processes, conflict management, interpersonal communication or continuous improvement of habits and routines.

You as a coachee being in a stable and healthy mental state, even if you are under pressure, in a conflict or dilemma situation or a personal crisis, is a key prerequite for embarking on or continuing a coaching process.

You will need psychotherapy if you suffer from a mental or psychological disorder which you want to treat or cure – which could be a depression, an anxiety disorder or the consequences of  a substance-related addiction.

In Germany, these kinds of disorders can only be treated by doctors or psychotherapists with an approbation or specific license.

If you are suffering from a psychological disorder, a coaching can only be applied in addition to the official medical or psychological treatment, and in close cooperation with your practitioner, if specific work-related matters or personal topics are discussed that are not part of the psychotherapy (e.g. a job change, time management, professional communication skills).

I also offer psychotherapy in the context of my approbation training in systemic psychotherapy. Please contact me if you are interested

What are the expected costs?2023-07-22T12:27:17+02:00

I will share my hourly rates with you during our informal first appointment, which itself is free-of-charge.

The total investment will depend on your situation. Your coaching need will determine the frequency of sessions and length of the overall process.

Coaching as professional development2023-07-22T12:26:54+02:00

If you are an employee, you can discuss with your employer whether the company will be interested in supporting your professional development with dedicated coaching or training measures. Please talk to your manager or HR department about this option.

If the company sees the value of professional support for your development, your HR department can book my services as a business coaching measure for you.

Professional expenses2023-07-22T12:26:13+02:00

Under certain conditions you can book the cost of job-related coaching or counselling as professional expenses in your annual income tax declaration.

Informal initital interview, free of charge2023-07-22T19:08:47+02:00

As a first contact before the actual start of a coaching process, we will schedule an informal initial interview which is free of charge for you and will last about 30 minutes.
This “chemistry check” can take place online or in my coaching office in Bonn.

In this first meeting, you will briefly explain the nature and focus of your request. We will discuss which coaching approach will be interesting for you and suitable to solve your matter in reasonable timeframe. We will also align on practical matters like location, preferred time and duration, and I will inform you about the cost per session.

You will receive some first impulses and get a first impression about me as a coach and a person.

After this informal contact, you will take the decision whether to select me as your coach and sparring partner.

Phases of a coaching process2023-07-23T12:39:57+02:00

A coaching process can be divided into at least three different phases: initiation, working phase and conclusion.

  • During the initiation phase, we will agree on the objectives of the coaching process, get to know each other and start to build a trustful relationship.
    • In the first one or two sessions, we will discuss your request in depth and shed light on other relevant aspects and circumstances, and derive your coaching goals.
    • We will get to know each other as individuals and begin to build our working relationship, based on mutual trust and respect. With such a foundation, we will be able to openly address more difficult topics at later stages.
  • During the working phase, we will approach your goals in a step-by-step approach, or modify and enhance them in case any other relevant aspects emerge during our conversations.
    • I will apply various methods. Besides systemic conversation elements, I will introduce some exercises and tools, or propose some creative techniques to you.
    • This phase can be divided in sub-phases in case you have more than one objective or your topic contains multiple dimensions. We will jointly align on the approach and sequence of steps and review them regularly.
  • At the conclusion of the coaching process, we will review your progress and achievements, complete an evaluation under quality assurance perspective and will talk about ways to embed the change in your private or work life in a sustainable way. Learn more
What happens in a regular coaching session?2023-07-23T13:09:36+02:00
  • At the beginning of each coaching session, I will ask you about your key topic or main objective for today.
  • We will prioritize any imminent need, e.g. if you want to prepare for an upcoming meeting, need to take an urgent decision or are in a tense social situation.
  • If there is no urgent topic, we will continue to work towards your overarching objectives.
  • Besides our conversation, I will suggest to use some tools, introduce an exercise or propose some creative techniques – according to the topic and in line with your personal preferences.
  • You set the pace and have the choice whether you want to try a specific method. If you would like to use a different approach, please let me know – we have plenty of different options. There will be something interesting and suitable for you.
  • At the end of each session, we will review the initial objectives of the day and align on potential tasks for the meantime.
Which methods do I apply?2023-07-23T10:49:43+02:00
  • The majority of the sessions will happen as a dialog between you and me.
  • I will support you with targeted questions to view your topic from different angles, expanding your perspectives.
  • I will use metaphors and stories, and make suggestions which you can take up if you want to – but you don’t have to.
  • Your reaction and feedback is important – I need to know what works well with you, in order to steer the process in a suitable direction.
  • Depending on the topic, I will also invite you to use creative techniques or specific exercises. Their nature can also differ between the face-to-face and online settings.
  • You will set the pace and always have the choice whether you would like to engage in a specific exercise, or rather prefer a different approach.
  • I am flexible in my approach, with the key aim to support you in the best possible way. Therefore I will try to learn and understand your preferences from the initial onboarding and to fine-tune it all along the whole coaching journey.

We will agree individually on time, length and location of each session, depending on your preferences and my availability.

On certain dates, I also offer late slots between 18.00 and 20.30 or consultations on Saturdays between 10.00 and 15.00 CET.

Please contact me to schedule an appointment here or via WhatsApp (+49 151 72 11 31 23).

What can you expect as a client?2023-07-23T13:17:50+02:00

First of all: Coaching is not a pill which can be taken.

What do I mean by that? Coaching will not have an effect just by itself. Just attending a session or waiting for the coach to do something will not change much yet.

Coaching will work as soon as you start working with it,
by using the questions, exercises and tools to discover new options and try them out at work or in life.

  • Positive effects can be new facets in your behavior or different reactions to other people.
  • Usually it starts inside yourself:
    • with your views and attitudes,
    • your overarching goals
    • or your daily habits.

If you like the first changes and have the impression this moves into the right direction, then we will continue and fine-tune the approach.

If the outcome is not yet as you expected, this is also an important piece of information. We will try to find out which obstacles we haven’t addressed yet, or which aspects are additionally relevant for you and need to be considered. With that, we will further improve the approach.

How long will the coaching process take?2023-07-23T10:24:36+02:00
  • Focused short-term interventions can be completed in 3 to 5 sessions (e.g. a decision-making process, a specific conflict or a career counseling topic).
  • A “typical” coaching process will last weeks or several months, in order to cover your situation more in depth and detail, and to develop and implement solutions over time.
  • In these cases, a frequency of one or two sessions per months is most suitable, sometimes starting with a weekly rhythm in the first month.
  • Most coaching objectives can be achieved after 10 to 15 sessions.
How will the coaching process come to an end?2023-07-23T10:37:02+02:00

You will always have the opportunity to end the coaching process as soon as you don’t have any further needs to cover. You are not booking packages, but single sessions which you can cancel at 2 days notice in advance.

The natural finish-line of a coaching process has been reached as soon as you have attained your initial objectives, and the desired change has become sustainable.

You will realize that your coaching need will decrease after you experienced positive change, and your situation has reached a new level of balance.

During the last session, we will re-cap the coaching journey and your learnings and developments, document it in a way that you can easily review your progress at a later stage, and include an evaluation of the coaching.

How will you recognize the positive effects of coaching?2023-07-23T09:56:31+02:00

You will leave most of the coaching sessions with a couple of new insights or options. Sometimes you will take away some new thoughts or impressions that need to sink a bit, or you will further process the session for a couple of days.

More important than the immediate effect – you will notice a subtle change which will take place over days, weeks or months. You will recognize that you become more and more conscious about your own patterns, and you will be able to experiment with options and broaden your own range of views, feelings, thoughts and reactions.

With that, you will be able to induce the targeted change yourself, inwardly and in your life, and you will be able to fine-tune your perspectives, attitudes and behaviours more and more precisely towards the desired outcome.

You shouldn’t expect sudden change over night, but you can assume that you will get closer to your goal step by step. You will realize the shift – sometimes fast, sometimes slowly, but steadily.

The speed and degree of transformation will depend on your topic, your situation and your personal room to manoever – which often is much larger than you assume at the beginning.

How can you secure the long-term success?2023-07-23T12:51:26+02:00
  • You will take away valuable insights from the coaching sessions and begin to make changes to your professional approach or your personal life which are meant to be sustainable.
  • Conscious application and regular practice are important to anchor the change in your routines, achieving a permanent effect.
  • It is also important to regularly take some time to step back
    • to review your goals and adjust them where necessary,
    • to perceive your thoughts, feelings and impulsive actions during your everyday activities
    • and now and then to consciously pause and think before your next move – especially when you realize that you are about to slip into former habits.

My offer to you:

  • After completing the coaching process, you can book occasional individual sessions as opportunities for check-in and reflection, or in order to work on some specific quick topics.
  • This will help you to keep re-focusing and to continue steadily on your development journey.
Location – where does the coaching take place?2023-07-22T18:49:38+02:00

It’s your choice. You can

  • always have face-to-face sessions in my office in Bonn,
  • or choose purely online sessions,
  • or mix both formats according to your convenience.
How long is one coaching session?2023-07-22T18:47:17+02:00

I offer regular coaching sessions of 60 and 90 minutes duration, both face-to-face and online.

Scheduled online, occasional 30 minute slots embedded in an ongoing coaching process are possible for urgent topics or quick check-ins.

If you have a special need for a deep-dive, we can plan an intensive half-day session in my coaching office. Besides 3 hours of coaching we will foresee 30 minutes for breaks.

How to schedule an appointment2023-07-23T12:58:41+02:00

Please approach me via the contact form, or via e-mail or WhatsApp (+49 151 72 11 31 23), mentioning

  • your preferred date(s),
  • time slots and
  • length of a session.

I will make you some proposal(s). Please confirm which slot you want to book.

To finalize the appointment, I will send you a confirmation and calendar invitation.

You can cancel or change your appointment until 48 hours prior to the meeting.

How frequently do the sessions take place?2023-07-23T10:29:19+02:00

It depends on your focus areas, your coaching objectives and on the urgency or time criticality of your need.

  • A short-term coaching intervention focused on a clearly described and specific outcome can be conducted with 2 sessions per week over a short period of time.
  • During regular coaching processes we jointly agree on the frequency of the sessions, dependent on your needs and availability.
  • The first sessions usually have a weekly or bi-weekly rhythm, while subsequent sessions can take place every 4 to 8 weeks.
  • If you have an urgent request between 2 scheduled sessions, we will try to fit in an extra slot.
What’s a “systemic” approach?2023-07-22T12:53:29+02:00

The systemic approach fully considers your social and physical environment. It assumes that you are not isolated, but surrounded by significant others and circumstances that matter. They will not only react, but also continuously interact with you by giving impulses or defining frameworks.

Your environment will change simultaneously while you will evolve during the coaching process. We will consider this continuous interaction. We form hypotheses and test them in your reality. Besides this, we also change perspectives and consider the effects of potential change through different lenses of other persons involved.

The systemic psychological approach focuses the present and the future, and assumes you always have a choice, in every single situation, either to act or to change your perspective.

Ho will we consider your biography?2023-07-23T10:38:03+02:00
  • You have turned to be the person you are today by living the life you have lived so far:
    • You became a special personality
    • with individual preferences, needs, desires and aspirations,
    • with values, opinions and emotional reaction patterns,
    • with typical habits and reactions to people and situations.
  • In the course of your life, you have developed some specific strengths and coped with a number of challenges.
  • Your relationships and your work history form part of your biography.
  • You live in a specific country, town and neighborhood, and your social environment is composed of your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors – and more significant others.

You always have the choice to change something in your life, but you will also be sure to make your decisions in a way that they will be a good fit to who you are and can be. Your options are part of your individual reality.

During the coaching journey, we will consider your biography and your individual circumstances in a holistic approach.

What is the difference between coaching and psychotherapy?2023-12-25T17:35:23+01:00

The objective of coaching is to support personal or professional development, important decision-making processes, conflict management, interpersonal communication or continuous improvement of habits and routines.

You as a coachee being in a stable and healthy mental state, even if you are under pressure, in a conflict or dilemma situation or a personal crisis, is a key prerequite for embarking on or continuing a coaching process.

You will need psychotherapy if you suffer from a mental or psychological disorder which you want to treat or cure – which could be a depression, an anxiety disorder or the consequences of  a substance-related addiction.

In Germany, these kinds of disorders can only be treated by doctors or psychotherapists with an approbation or specific license.

If you are suffering from a psychological disorder, a coaching can only be applied in addition to the official medical or psychological treatment, and in close cooperation with your practitioner, if specific work-related matters or personal topics are discussed that are not part of the psychotherapy (e.g. a job change, time management, professional communication skills).

I also offer psychotherapy in the context of my approbation training in systemic psychotherapy. Please contact me if you are interested

What are the expected costs?2023-07-22T12:27:17+02:00

I will share my hourly rates with you during our informal first appointment, which itself is free-of-charge.

The total investment will depend on your situation. Your coaching need will determine the frequency of sessions and length of the overall process.

Coaching as professional development2023-07-22T12:26:54+02:00

If you are an employee, you can discuss with your employer whether the company will be interested in supporting your professional development with dedicated coaching or training measures. Please talk to your manager or HR department about this option.

If the company sees the value of professional support for your development, your HR department can book my services as a business coaching measure for you.

Professional expenses2023-07-22T12:26:13+02:00

Under certain conditions you can book the cost of job-related coaching or counselling as professional expenses in your annual income tax declaration.

Informal initital interview, free of charge2023-07-22T19:08:47+02:00

As a first contact before the actual start of a coaching process, we will schedule an informal initial interview which is free of charge for you and will last about 30 minutes.
This “chemistry check” can take place online or in my coaching office in Bonn.

In this first meeting, you will briefly explain the nature and focus of your request. We will discuss which coaching approach will be interesting for you and suitable to solve your matter in reasonable timeframe. We will also align on practical matters like location, preferred time and duration, and I will inform you about the cost per session.

You will receive some first impulses and get a first impression about me as a coach and a person.

After this informal contact, you will take the decision whether to select me as your coach and sparring partner.

Phases of a coaching process2023-07-23T12:39:57+02:00

A coaching process can be divided into at least three different phases: initiation, working phase and conclusion.

  • During the initiation phase, we will agree on the objectives of the coaching process, get to know each other and start to build a trustful relationship.
    • In the first one or two sessions, we will discuss your request in depth and shed light on other relevant aspects and circumstances, and derive your coaching goals.
    • We will get to know each other as individuals and begin to build our working relationship, based on mutual trust and respect. With such a foundation, we will be able to openly address more difficult topics at later stages.
  • During the working phase, we will approach your goals in a step-by-step approach, or modify and enhance them in case any other relevant aspects emerge during our conversations.
    • I will apply various methods. Besides systemic conversation elements, I will introduce some exercises and tools, or propose some creative techniques to you.
    • This phase can be divided in sub-phases in case you have more than one objective or your topic contains multiple dimensions. We will jointly align on the approach and sequence of steps and review them regularly.
  • At the conclusion of the coaching process, we will review your progress and achievements, complete an evaluation under quality assurance perspective and will talk about ways to embed the change in your private or work life in a sustainable way. Learn more
What happens in a regular coaching session?2023-07-23T13:09:36+02:00
  • At the beginning of each coaching session, I will ask you about your key topic or main objective for today.
  • We will prioritize any imminent need, e.g. if you want to prepare for an upcoming meeting, need to take an urgent decision or are in a tense social situation.
  • If there is no urgent topic, we will continue to work towards your overarching objectives.
  • Besides our conversation, I will suggest to use some tools, introduce an exercise or propose some creative techniques – according to the topic and in line with your personal preferences.
  • You set the pace and have the choice whether you want to try a specific method. If you would like to use a different approach, please let me know – we have plenty of different options. There will be something interesting and suitable for you.
  • At the end of each session, we will review the initial objectives of the day and align on potential tasks for the meantime.
Which methods do I apply?2023-07-23T10:49:43+02:00
  • The majority of the sessions will happen as a dialog between you and me.
  • I will support you with targeted questions to view your topic from different angles, expanding your perspectives.
  • I will use metaphors and stories, and make suggestions which you can take up if you want to – but you don’t have to.
  • Your reaction and feedback is important – I need to know what works well with you, in order to steer the process in a suitable direction.
  • Depending on the topic, I will also invite you to use creative techniques or specific exercises. Their nature can also differ between the face-to-face and online settings.
  • You will set the pace and always have the choice whether you would like to engage in a specific exercise, or rather prefer a different approach.
  • I am flexible in my approach, with the key aim to support you in the best possible way. Therefore I will try to learn and understand your preferences from the initial onboarding and to fine-tune it all along the whole coaching journey.

We will agree individually on time, length and location of each session, depending on your preferences and my availability.

On certain dates, I also offer late slots between 18.00 and 20.30 or consultations on Saturdays between 10.00 and 15.00 CET.

Please contact me to schedule an appointment here or via WhatsApp (+49 151 72 11 31 23).

What can you expect as a client?2023-07-23T13:17:50+02:00

First of all: Coaching is not a pill which can be taken.

What do I mean by that? Coaching will not have an effect just by itself. Just attending a session or waiting for the coach to do something will not change much yet.

Coaching will work as soon as you start working with it,
by using the questions, exercises and tools to discover new options and try them out at work or in life.

  • Positive effects can be new facets in your behavior or different reactions to other people.
  • Usually it starts inside yourself:
    • with your views and attitudes,
    • your overarching goals
    • or your daily habits.

If you like the first changes and have the impression this moves into the right direction, then we will continue and fine-tune the approach.

If the outcome is not yet as you expected, this is also an important piece of information. We will try to find out which obstacles we haven’t addressed yet, or which aspects are additionally relevant for you and need to be considered. With that, we will further improve the approach.

How long will the coaching process take?2023-07-23T10:24:36+02:00
  • Focused short-term interventions can be completed in 3 to 5 sessions (e.g. a decision-making process, a specific conflict or a career counseling topic).
  • A “typical” coaching process will last weeks or several months, in order to cover your situation more in depth and detail, and to develop and implement solutions over time.
  • In these cases, a frequency of one or two sessions per months is most suitable, sometimes starting with a weekly rhythm in the first month.
  • Most coaching objectives can be achieved after 10 to 15 sessions.
How will the coaching process come to an end?2023-07-23T10:37:02+02:00

You will always have the opportunity to end the coaching process as soon as you don’t have any further needs to cover. You are not booking packages, but single sessions which you can cancel at 2 days notice in advance.

The natural finish-line of a coaching process has been reached as soon as you have attained your initial objectives, and the desired change has become sustainable.

You will realize that your coaching need will decrease after you experienced positive change, and your situation has reached a new level of balance.

During the last session, we will re-cap the coaching journey and your learnings and developments, document it in a way that you can easily review your progress at a later stage, and include an evaluation of the coaching.

How will you recognize the positive effects of coaching?2023-07-23T09:56:31+02:00

You will leave most of the coaching sessions with a couple of new insights or options. Sometimes you will take away some new thoughts or impressions that need to sink a bit, or you will further process the session for a couple of days.

More important than the immediate effect – you will notice a subtle change which will take place over days, weeks or months. You will recognize that you become more and more conscious about your own patterns, and you will be able to experiment with options and broaden your own range of views, feelings, thoughts and reactions.

With that, you will be able to induce the targeted change yourself, inwardly and in your life, and you will be able to fine-tune your perspectives, attitudes and behaviours more and more precisely towards the desired outcome.

You shouldn’t expect sudden change over night, but you can assume that you will get closer to your goal step by step. You will realize the shift – sometimes fast, sometimes slowly, but steadily.

The speed and degree of transformation will depend on your topic, your situation and your personal room to manoever – which often is much larger than you assume at the beginning.

How can you secure the long-term success?2023-07-23T12:51:26+02:00
  • You will take away valuable insights from the coaching sessions and begin to make changes to your professional approach or your personal life which are meant to be sustainable.
  • Conscious application and regular practice are important to anchor the change in your routines, achieving a permanent effect.
  • It is also important to regularly take some time to step back
    • to review your goals and adjust them where necessary,
    • to perceive your thoughts, feelings and impulsive actions during your everyday activities
    • and now and then to consciously pause and think before your next move – especially when you realize that you are about to slip into former habits.

My offer to you:

  • After completing the coaching process, you can book occasional individual sessions as opportunities for check-in and reflection, or in order to work on some specific quick topics.
  • This will help you to keep re-focusing and to continue steadily on your development journey.
Location – where does the coaching take place?2023-07-22T18:49:38+02:00

It’s your choice. You can

  • always have face-to-face sessions in my office in Bonn,
  • or choose purely online sessions,
  • or mix both formats according to your convenience.
How long is one coaching session?2023-07-22T18:47:17+02:00

I offer regular coaching sessions of 60 and 90 minutes duration, both face-to-face and online.

Scheduled online, occasional 30 minute slots embedded in an ongoing coaching process are possible for urgent topics or quick check-ins.

If you have a special need for a deep-dive, we can plan an intensive half-day session in my coaching office. Besides 3 hours of coaching we will foresee 30 minutes for breaks.

How to schedule an appointment2023-07-23T12:58:41+02:00

Please approach me via the contact form, or via e-mail or WhatsApp (+49 151 72 11 31 23), mentioning

  • your preferred date(s),
  • time slots and
  • length of a session.

I will make you some proposal(s). Please confirm which slot you want to book.

To finalize the appointment, I will send you a confirmation and calendar invitation.

You can cancel or change your appointment until 48 hours prior to the meeting.

How frequently do the sessions take place?2023-07-23T10:29:19+02:00

It depends on your focus areas, your coaching objectives and on the urgency or time criticality of your need.

  • A short-term coaching intervention focused on a clearly described and specific outcome can be conducted with 2 sessions per week over a short period of time.
  • During regular coaching processes we jointly agree on the frequency of the sessions, dependent on your needs and availability.
  • The first sessions usually have a weekly or bi-weekly rhythm, while subsequent sessions can take place every 4 to 8 weeks.
  • If you have an urgent request between 2 scheduled sessions, we will try to fit in an extra slot.
What’s a “systemic” approach?2023-07-22T12:53:29+02:00

The systemic approach fully considers your social and physical environment. It assumes that you are not isolated, but surrounded by significant others and circumstances that matter. They will not only react, but also continuously interact with you by giving impulses or defining frameworks.

Your environment will change simultaneously while you will evolve during the coaching process. We will consider this continuous interaction. We form hypotheses and test them in your reality. Besides this, we also change perspectives and consider the effects of potential change through different lenses of other persons involved.

The systemic psychological approach focuses the present and the future, and assumes you always have a choice, in every single situation, either to act or to change your perspective.

Ho will we consider your biography?2023-07-23T10:38:03+02:00
  • You have turned to be the person you are today by living the life you have lived so far:
    • You became a special personality
    • with individual preferences, needs, desires and aspirations,
    • with values, opinions and emotional reaction patterns,
    • with typical habits and reactions to people and situations.
  • In the course of your life, you have developed some specific strengths and coped with a number of challenges.
  • Your relationships and your work history form part of your biography.
  • You live in a specific country, town and neighborhood, and your social environment is composed of your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors – and more significant others.

You always have the choice to change something in your life, but you will also be sure to make your decisions in a way that they will be a good fit to who you are and can be. Your options are part of your individual reality.

During the coaching journey, we will consider your biography and your individual circumstances in a holistic approach.

What is the difference between coaching and psychotherapy?2023-12-25T17:35:23+01:00

The objective of coaching is to support personal or professional development, important decision-making processes, conflict management, interpersonal communication or continuous improvement of habits and routines.

You as a coachee being in a stable and healthy mental state, even if you are under pressure, in a conflict or dilemma situation or a personal crisis, is a key prerequite for embarking on or continuing a coaching process.

You will need psychotherapy if you suffer from a mental or psychological disorder which you want to treat or cure – which could be a depression, an anxiety disorder or the consequences of  a substance-related addiction.

In Germany, these kinds of disorders can only be treated by doctors or psychotherapists with an approbation or specific license.

If you are suffering from a psychological disorder, a coaching can only be applied in addition to the official medical or psychological treatment, and in close cooperation with your practitioner, if specific work-related matters or personal topics are discussed that are not part of the psychotherapy (e.g. a job change, time management, professional communication skills).

I also offer psychotherapy in the context of my approbation training in systemic psychotherapy. Please contact me if you are interested

What are the expected costs?2023-07-22T12:27:17+02:00

I will share my hourly rates with you during our informal first appointment, which itself is free-of-charge.

The total investment will depend on your situation. Your coaching need will determine the frequency of sessions and length of the overall process.

Coaching as professional development2023-07-22T12:26:54+02:00

If you are an employee, you can discuss with your employer whether the company will be interested in supporting your professional development with dedicated coaching or training measures. Please talk to your manager or HR department about this option.

If the company sees the value of professional support for your development, your HR department can book my services as a business coaching measure for you.

Professional expenses2023-07-22T12:26:13+02:00

Under certain conditions you can book the cost of job-related coaching or counselling as professional expenses in your annual income tax declaration.

NICOLE CIPA – Coaching | Training | Development

If it’s important – better to get some professional support

If it’s important – better get some professional support

If it’s important – better get some professional support

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